Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Well, it's official! Obama throws down on the NEA...but he starts to look more "centrist" than "tough."

To the surprise of some like Mike Antonucci at EIA Obama actually threw a couple of jabs at the NEA during his acceptance speech during their annual convention. Obama cushioned himself via satellite in Montana from the delegates and managed a couple of references to performance pay and charter schools. It was not quite a sparing match, but he did manage to stir up a few boos from the crowd.

Unlike some others, I was expecting Obama to play a little hardball with the NEA. Even though I disagree with Obama's positions because they are hyper-focused on large urban school failure and have the potential to further dismantle local control from the thousands of districts that are not named Baltimore, Chicago, etc..., I did feel that taking on the NEA would be a good political strategy in efforts to look more like a "tough liberal" (see below). Unfortunately, in the midst of taking some jabs at the NEA, Obama has managed to flip-flop on FISA and get bogged down in death penalty for child molester debates. Instead of looking tough, he looks more like a candidate who will do anything to win. He his starting to remind more and more of Jeff Merkley and less and less of the "change" candidate he purports to be.

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